“If I witness about Myself, My testimony is not true;” “If I glorify Myself, My glory is nothing;” Don’t heed our words, consider our customers’:

The HIT Sling System offers more versatility and ease of use than any other sling system on the market. The ability to transition almost instantly from the security and comfort of a dual point style sling to the extremely maneuverable single point style sling gives the operator the flexibility to adapt to changes in his surroundings in a single movement. Also, the built in retention system incorporated within the HIT Sling’s design removes the requirement for the operator to add a cumbersome external retention system to his already over-crowded kit. Lastly, the HIT Sling was designed by an operator for use by other operators. Each detail of the design, from the tri-glides with teeth to prevent slippage, the MASH Hooks that remove the potential failure point of a spring, to the plastic strip integrated inside the pull tab on the retention system to make it easy to find while wearing gloves in the dark, was incorporated to offer superior performance and provide operators the ultimate in sling systems.

I have been working with the folks over at Advanced Gunslinger Armament since Ben (the owner) was on his terminal leave from the Navy. When Ben pitched me the HIT Sling it was hard not to instantly understand its utility. Like any great advancement for the Operator, the HIT Sling was developed in the crucible of combat. The first “prototype” Ben showed me had been on patrol in Afghanistan a month previous. To the untrained eye it was a pile of nylon, fasteners, and tape, but… when Ben put it on, and lashed it to a rifle it became so much more than that.
Ben’s sling allows a shooter to secure a rifle to his/her person in such a way that carrying a rifle is no longer a problem when work has to be done. The sling can securely, in one movement, put a rifle on a shooter’s back or chest. With the twitch of a finger the sling morphs from two point to one point and back again. Whether working the end of an entry tool, or giving an EPW the business end of a fist, your weapon is never in the way thanks to this sling.
There are several companies that attempt to re-create Ben’s design. All of them fall short asking too much of too much and passing the price on to the consumer. Designed in “labs” the competition is heavy, clunky, extraneous and expensive. Only from the imagination of a combat veteran could you get this level of practicality and functionality. There are no pads on this sling because pads add weight. There is no embroidery because you know it’s made in America. And there is no imitation because it is that good.
If you are a serious “craftsman” who needs serious “tools” you need a HIT Sling…

I have always had a struggle between a single point and a double point sling. Both have their clear advantages and perspective disadvantages. The Hit Sling I can say is the perfect combination of both! It’s simplicity of use is its best selling point. The developer has included very simple to follow instructions making its configuration very easy. I am always carrying a bag, an occupational hazard of being a medic, which makes this sling a perfect partner for that setup. THIS IS THE SLING I WANT TO CARRY 10 OUT OF 10 TIMES HANDS DOWN!!!! Every other sling is sub-par when compared to this one. Thanks Gunslinger for a bad@$$ piece of gear!

I watched the videos, set my sling up and practiced with it for an hour or so. I went to training the following week but never said anything about the sling to the other guys. We conducted our shooting drills and tactics. After a couple of hours, we had some down time and I had the HIT sling in the 2 point configuration, with it cinched to my vest. Several of my team members noticed and asked me about my sling. I showed them how I cinched up the sling and loosened it. I then simply pulled on the RED (rapid emergency detach) swivel and back to the single point configuration instantly. I preferred the MK II over the MK I for that very reason. Next, I had to qualify with the 40mm launcher. Rather than grounding my rifle, I used the OTS (over the shoulder) buckle and secured my rifle on my back. Now everyone noticed. This configuration is ideal for climbing. At the end of the training day, twelve of my team mates wanted HIT slings. I’ve also recommended this sling to my friends. This is a great piece of equipment and you won’t be disappointed!

The HIT sling offers a drastic upgrade when compared to any other available setups. It offers all the benefits of single point attachment while eliminating the need for ‘storage’. Most operators elect to run some sort of bungee system for storage when using a single point sling. Basically, you have to throw your weapon over a shoulder and attempt to ‘store’ it by pinning it under a bungee secured around your back and chest. A bungee constantly dangles from the back of your kit while a taped up carabineer sticks out on your front. It’s a time consuming and sloppy option that isn’t particularly secure. The alternative option is a Viking sling. However, Viking sling’s two point configuration isn’t ideal for shooting. Users normally need to drop an elbow or drop their arm out of the system to shoot. The HIT sling lets users shoot with freedom, and then quickly attach and secure the weapon to their body. It is ideal for any dynamic environment and can be used on a variety of weapon systems.

The HIT sling is awesome because it provides operators with what they want and needs most: the capability to use an over the shoulder style sling with a quick and easy retention. You no longer have to modify your kit or figure out different retention methods for an alternate style of kits depending on your needs.
It’s simple.
It’s durable.
It transitions to and from retention easily.
It’s everything operators need, and nothing more.